GPUG Summit 2018 - It's Always Better When We're Together...

The countdown is on...

GPUG Summit will be in Phoenix, Arizona this year. GPUG Academy starts on Sunday, October 14th. General sessions will start on Tuesday, October 16th and will end on Thursday, October 18th.If you are reading this before the event starts, it isn't too late to register! Click here:

This year at GPUG Summit, I am setting a personal record for both GPUG Academy and GPUG Summit! I will be presenting 4 GPUG Academy Classes and 7 GPUG General Sessions! I am also a panelist for the Women in Dynamics Luncheon and I will be the GP Evangelist for the Credentialing Committee! Suffice it to say, I am a little overwhelmed...excited...but overwhelmed.But, this year...I have a secret weapon!! 5 of my sessions have co-presenters! Hence, the name of my post today. As you read this, I suggest you put on a pair of headphones or ear buds and listen to the musical stylings of Mr. Jack Johnson: Better Together.Each year at GPUG Summit, I am amazed by the people I meet in sessions! I have made some amazing friends in the GP Community and this year, I wanted to work with some of my heroes! I also had several occasions where a discussion inspired getting our thoughts together to share what we learned with the #MSDynGP Community. Here's an overview of my sessions, who I am working with and what inspired the sessions:

  • GP User to GP Superhero - 2018 Edition
    • This is my only "solo" session. I am excited to show you some of my favorite tips and tricks. We will cover Standard GP functions, cool PSTL features and some simple ways using SQL Views can transform how you access and view data!

GP Superhero

  • Dynamics GP Shootout
    • I will be a contestant in this year's Dynamics GP Shootout. I finalized my tips today and let me just of them was an idea that I wasn't sure I could pull off...I tested, and tweaked...and tested again...and IT IS AWESOME!!
    • I will be joined by Steve Burney, Jo deRuiter, and Aleiha Hansen
    • Our hosts will be Abra Gilman and Shawn Dorward

Dynamics Idol

  • SQL Views + SmartList Designer = Super Cool Excel Reports
    • This is an amazing example of how GP Events bring people together! I sat in on Kristen Hosman's session at GPUG Amplify earlier this year. I had covered some tips for SmartList Designer and SQL Views in my GP Superhero session. Kristen mentioned that you can easily change a SmartList Designer report into a SQL View. This solved one of my Excel Refreshable report issues...We talked and came up with a hybrid session with some of my favorite tips combined with her SQL skills.

SQL and SmartList Designer title

  • Cactus Coolers: How to Avoid Getting Stuck in the Heat with Open Batches!
    • Thursday is unofficially the Abra and Amber show!
    • If you haven't met Abra Gilman, you are in for a treat. She's awesome! We've gotten to know each other at several GP events. We presented together for the first time at GPUG Amplify. We updated a session from that event with some really cool GP2018R2 tips and tricks!

Cactus Cooler Cover

  • Women in Dynamics Luncheon
    • I am one of the panelists!
    • Come be inspired by stories of how we succeeded and what we can all do to support one another.
    • Open to everyone! (Men and Women in Dynamics...we are BETTER TOGETHER!)
    • Click here for instructions on how to add to your registration.

Women in Dynamics

  • How Do We Teach Staff to Use This Software
    • Co-presenting with Zubin Gidwani and Abra Gilman
    • We had a lot of fun talking about our favorite ways to share our knowledge with our clients.
    • We are opening up the session to the audience to "Crowdsource" ideas and maybe even create a place for us to share tips, tricks and training docs.

How do we teach.png

  • You've Upgraded...What's Changed?
    • This session started as a conversation in a hallway with Pam Misialek at GPUG Amplify 2017. I have loved seeing her sessions for years! She worked for Microsoft for many years and is always excited about "What's New in GP". She now works for Njevity and is helping 'Evolve GP' with 'PowerGP Online'.
    • We talked about sessions where we showed "Old" features and had the audience say "They've Never Seen" that feature!
    • We added Abra Gilman and Shawn Dorward.
    • This session will give you real tips that will revolutionize how you use #MSDynGP!

Upgraded Whats Changed.pngAs you can see, I have the privilege of working with some amazing people this year. As I thought about that fact, I realized that it is exactly what we tell people they will get out of attending the events...I have an amazing group of people that support, encourage and teach me about #MSDynGP and I owe that to the #GPUG Events! I hope you can join us at this year's #UserGroupSummit!For a complete list of my GPUG Academy Classes and GPUG Summit sessions, visit the Events page on my website: If you haven't added a GPUG Academy class, let me say it will be the best add-on you and best "bang for your buck". I still have room in most of my classes! Click here for more info!See you soon,Amber J. BellTraining Dynamo, LLC

UncategorizedAmber Bell